
Heredis Beta Test Registration

Are you a passionate genealogist? Do you already use a genealogy software? Do you think you have enough availability to spend time testing the next version of Heredis?
Do you like friendly exchanges?

We invite you to fill in this form to volunteer yourself to be a part of the development team for the Heredis beta test.

    Test Equipment
    Mobile hardware
    How long have you been working with Heredis?

    Have you ever been a Beta tester for Heredis?

    Your commitment

    By clicking on the SEND button to request to participate in the Heredis beta test,

    * You agree not to disclose any information about the new version before it is released, or about the conduct of the beta test.
    * You undertake to intervene regularly on the test forum throughout the life of the version, before commercialization as during the preparation of the possible patches, signaling the bugs or misunderstandings that you observe.
    * You agree to respect other beta test participants and BSD Concept staff by always making courteous statements.
    * I accept these commitments. We have received your application and we thank you. We will keep you informed in the coming days.