The Heredis Team can assist you!

Help with your genealogical research
You don’t speak French, yet your ancestors originate from France? Our experts can conduct online searches on your behalf and locate your French-speaking ancestors!
Deciphering and transcribing records
Do you struggle to decipher records handwritten in French and could use some assistance? Our experts can transcribe those records for you, in French, and soon in Latin too. Then all you have to do is read the clean transcription and move on with your searches!

A translation of your French records into English!
What if you have French-speaking ancestors and you don’t understand French at all? The Heredis Genealogical Research service will be happy to assist you! Sandra, Laëtitia and Hélène are available to translate your French records into English as well as into German.
Our Genealogy Experts

I have been a genealogy enthusiast since I was 13, getting started on my searches before the digital age, in 1995! My only tools were my pen and paper: I would write to city halls and wait (im)patiently for their responses. After I got my driver’s license, I took advantage of every school break to drive myself to archives centers in France and Belgium. At the time of good old microfilms, I was already an avid Heredis user.
With the advent of digitization and online access to data, I no longer need to wait for my next vacation, which means I now carry on my research almost on a daily basis.
I spent a year in Boston where I followed Harvard Extension School Program for English as a second language.
At some point in my life, I got an opportunity to go through a career change: I studied at the University of Nîmes and graduated with honors in Genealogy & Family History. In 2017, I joined the Heredis Team to pursue work in the area I am so passionate about.

After I finished my degree in History and Archeology, my life partner suddenly came up with : “Why don’t you give genealogy a try ?” He probably got his inspiration from the hand-drawn family trees of historical dynasties and fantasy characters adorning the walls of our home…
His suggestion did strike a chord in me and I decided to get a degree in Genealogy & Family History in Nîmes. I then became self-employed as a professional genealogist and, two years later, became a member of the Heredis Team.

To me, genealogy is first and foremost a childhood memory: visiting my grandmother, a multitude of cousins, walking through cemeteries to locate deceased ancestors…
Yet it wasn’t until much later in time, after a professional reorientation, that I became “genealogically proactive”. I signed up for classes at the University of Nîmes where I got my “Diplôme Universitaire en Généalogie & Histoire” in 2019. I particularly enjoy the detective part of the work, which requires patience and determination, and which allows for random surprises more often than not.
Requests for information and free estimates
Whether it is a roadblock on one of your branches, a struggle to decipher a civil record, or a need for your records to be translated from French, don’t let any obstacle stop you.
Fill out the form below to get in touch with Hélène, Laetitia, and Sandra and provide them with some information on your searches: they’ll be happy to get back to you with a price quote tailored to your needs.

You have, in compliance with the national and European regulations in effect, a permanent right of access, modification, rectification, opposition, portability, and limitation of processing with regard to the information related to you. This right can be exercised by writing directly to HEREDIS at its head office located at Atrium du Millénaire – 78 allée John Napier – CS 49458 – 34961 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 2 – France or by sending an e-mail to the following address: Please read our data protection policy.
A Directory of Professional Genealogists
Are you looking for a professional genealogist to conduct contemporary research or a specific search on data unavailable online?
Consult the list of professionals partnering with Heredis.
You are a professional genealogist and wish to partner with Heredis?
Please reach out to us via our Contact Form.