Heredis: 30 years of history and passion for genealogy
Bâtiment Atrium – 78, allée John Napier
Tel : +33 4 11 93 08 11
How to contact us? Certain questions are best answered by contacting User Support, while others may be solved with Customer Service.
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The Heredis Team
Based in the Millénaire district, in Montpellier, South of France, Heredis is a world-leading company in the genealogy software market. The team is made up of people who are passionate and motivated not only by their profession, but also by genealogy, into which they have all versed from the day they joined Heredis. They all work together, moving forward in the same direction so they meet the needs of Heredis users. The Heredis Team strives to develop top-quality genealogy software programs, all made in France.
Véronique, product owner and co-manager
Sandra, client relations manager & genealogist – Germany
Sandra, sales and technical support associate
Rocky, art director and co-manager
Philippe, developer and eagle eye Padawan
Liudmila, software quality manager
Hugo, developer
Hubert, development director
Hélène, software trainer and genealogist
Billal, in charge of technical support
Audrey, marketing manager and co-manager
Aude, developer and eagle eye
Annegret, communication with German-speakers
Greg, developer C++
David, DevOps
Laetitia, technical support and genealogist
Annabelle, administrative and accounting manager
Heredis’ Company History
Heredis is first and foremost a family business. The adventure began in 1994, when computer scientist Bernard David and family historian Sylvette David decided to create Heredis. Heredis is a Mac-native software program initially developed for a family member who was eager to find an easy-to-use and intuitive genealogy program.
Over the years, Heredis had become the go-to reference on the French genealogy market: Bernard and his wife had put all their energy into developing the company.
In 2014, the founding couple sold their shares to their employees. The company was then taken over by the employees, who had joined forces to ensure the company’s long-term future. The team, already very close-knit at the time, developed a new way of operating: a participative management company in which each employee became a shareholder.
Today, Heredis is the most widely used genealogy software in France and around the world. For the past 30 years, the entire team has been at the service of people passionate about genealogy and the history of their ancestors. The ongoing creation of new software programs – which are at the same time easy to use, state-of-the-art, and complementary – definitely helps genealogy enthusiasts progress in their work in the most efficient manner. Heredis’ ambition is to offer the very best genealogy software program available. Each new version is tested by beta testers and redesigned based on user feedback.
Since 2012, Heredis has also been helping English-speaking users to find their ancestors, create beautiful family trees, and do their research online. To further its commitment to providing quality software to its English-speaking users, Heredis collaborates with genealogy organizations in several English-speaking countries.
Heredis – Behind the name
It comes from the Latin word heres, heredis (genitive) that gave its name to the software. Here is the definition: *hērēs (haerēs), ēdis, **heir, heiress, legatee. **offspring (of a tree).

The Heredis Values
Innovating is at the heart of our concerns and is part of Heredis’ DNA. Heredis has always been a forerunner, both in terms of the technologies offered (as the #1 genealogy software on Mac in France) and in terms of the genealogy tools offered to its users. Heredis has been at the forefront of genealogy, offering features such as Search Tracking and the Online Archives capture tool, with the goal of providing the best possible support for all genealogists.
Heredis is also innovative in its organization by using participative management methods and collective intelligence.
Heredis makes every effort to offer quality genealogy software programs. The company predominantly focuses on customer satisfaction. Internal control processes are implemented throughout the year. The team works closely with beta testers to improve quality, both at the genealogical level and in bug fixes. In addition, Heredis cooperates with its users: each improvement is based on a user’s suggestion and made to fulfill his or her expectations.
Heredis makes every effort to meet every stakeholder’s needs in the company: users, suppliers, employees, associates, and partners. Each stakeholder has different expectations, and Heredis takes them into consideration by focusing on communication and putting quality ahead of quantity. Satisfaction is a top priority.

Heredis partners with numerous genealogical societies. The company hopes to help them by providing efficient tools that will promote their activities along with the genealogy industry in general. Heredis’ ambition is to make genealogy better known throughout the world.
Sharing is part of Heredis’ DNA. The company is an employee/shareholder-owned company, which means that strategic decisions are made together around the table. Each employee is free to share his or her knowledge and ideas. At Heredis, all employees are consulted and involved in the life of the company.
Heredis is committed to the well-being of its employees and the quality of life at work. The team organizes activities outside of work hours to increase team spirit. A common room is also made available to employees to discuss team, professional, and personal development.
The work organization allows for each employee’s own constraints by offering flexible working hours and the possibility of teleworking. Heredis prides itself on respecting the balance between work and personal development.
30 years serving genealogy + 10 years as a SCOP
6 November 2024
Heredis 2025
3 September 2024
Heredis 2024
5 September 2023
Heredis 2023
20 September 2022
Heredis 2022
21 September 2021
Heredis 2021
22 September 2020
Heredis 2020
12 December 2019
Heredis 2019
4 December 2018